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EClinicalMedicine ; 46: 101360, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1959480


Background: HIV-infection is known to aggravate the course of many infectious diseases, including COVID-19. International guidance recommends vaccination of HIV+ individuals against SARS-CoV-2. There is a paucity of data on epidemiological efficacy assessment of COVID-19 vaccines among HIV+. This paper provides a preliminary assessment of Sputnik V vaccine effectiveness in HIV+ patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART). Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study to assess the effectiveness of the standard Sputnik V vaccination regimen in 24,423 HIV+ Moscow residents during spring - summer 2021, that included dominance of delta variant, with estimation of hospitalization and severe illness rates in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. Data were extracted from the Moscow anti-COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19 incidence Registries. Findings: The data obtained indicate that Sputnik V epidemiological efficiency in the entire cohort of HIV+ on ART was 76·33%; in HIV+ with CD4+ ≥ 350 cells/µl, vaccine efficiency was 79·42%, avoiding hospitalization in 90·12% cases and protecting from the development of moderate or severe disease in 97·06%. For delta variant in this group the efficiency was 65·35%, avoiding the need for hospitalization in 75·77% cases and protecting from the development of moderate or severe disease in 93·05% of patients. There was a trend, although not statistically significant, of declining vaccine efficiency in immune-compromised individuals (CD4+ < 350 cells/µl). Interpretation: The study suggested epidemiological efficiency of immunization with Sputnik V in HIV+ ART-treated patients for the original and delta SARS-CoV-2 variants. Funding: Ministry of Health of Russia and Moscow Healthcare Department.

[Unspecified Source]; 2020.
No convencional en Inglés | [Unspecified Source] | ID: grc-750486


With the progress of COVID-19 studies, it became evident that SARS-CoV-2 infection is often associated with thrombotic complications. The goal of our present study was to evaluate which component of clot formation process including endothelial function, platelets aggregation and plasma coagulation, as well as endogenous fibrinolysis in patients with COVID-19 correlates with the severity of the disease. We prospectively included 58 patients with COVID-19 and 47 healthy volunteers as a control group that we recruited before the pandemic started. It turns out that plasma coagulation with subsequent platelet aggregation, but not endothelial function, correlates with the severity of the COVID-19. IL-6 blockade may play a beneficial role in COVID-19 induced coagulopathy.

Annals of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences ; 75(S5):446-454, 2020.
Artículo en Ruso | Russian Science Citation Index | ID: covidwho-1094441


Background. The pandemic of the new coronavirus infection has challenged the medical community for quickly finding and implementing effective methods of treatment. In the absence of a vaccine or specific therapy with proven effectiveness, the usage of convalescent plasma can be the one of perspective methods. An important aspect of this technology is the efficient and safe preparation of convalescent plasma. To date, in the world literature there are practically no publications about donor recruitment and the specifics of the preparation of convalescent plasma. Purpose of the research. Presentation of the experience of organizing a workflow for recruiting donors and stockpiling of convalescent plasma with a high titer of virus-neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. Methods. The analysis of the work of the Blood Service of the Moscow Department of Health for stockpiling of COVID-19 convalescent plasma has been executed. In total it has been stockpiled 1240 doses. The normative documentation has been developed by a working group on the basis of the current federal legislation of Russian federation and been approved by the Moscow Department of Health. The titer of neutralizing antibodies (VNA) has been determined as the basic method for assessing the immunological viability of convalescent plasma. The main characteristics of donors, the characteristics of the disease course, the results of preliminary testing for the presence of specific antibodies by ELISA and CLIA methods has been compared with VNA titers in the stockpiled convalescent plasma. Results. Due to a Moscow Health Department’s order No. 325 dated 01.04.2020 (a basic local regulatory document) it has been developed a regulation for the stockpiling, examination, storage, safety and transfering of fresh frozen pathogen-reduced plasma of COVID-19 convalescent donors to medical organizations of the Moscow Health Department. For arranging an interaction with donors it has been created a call-center. For effective preliminary selection, it has been formed a donor characteristics list, which has been combined with screening of specific antibodies by ELISA and CLIA methods. Conclusions. Developed a system of recruiting donors and procurement process of convalescent plasma for treatment СOVID-19, which includes the necessary regulations, algorithms for the selection and recruitment of donors, the registry of donors and recipients, algorithms, efficiency and safety of convalescent plasma. Обоснование. Пандемия новой коронавирусной инфекции поставила перед медицинским сообществом задачу быстрого поиска и внедрения эффективных методик лечения. В условиях отсутствия вакцины и средств специфической терапии с доказанной эффективностью в качестве одной из перспективных методик рассматривается трансфузия реконвалесцентной плазмы (РП). Важным аспектом данной технологии является заготовка эффективного и безопасного компонента. На сегодняшний день публикации по рекрутингу доноров и особенностях заготовки РП в мировой литературе практически отсутствуют. Цель исследования - Анализ опыта организации рабочего процесса по привлечению доноров и заготовке РП с высоким титром вируснейтрализующих антител к SARS-CoV-2. Методы. Проведен анализ работы Службы крови Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы (ДЗМ) по заготовке РП COVID-19. Всего заготовлено 1240 доз. Нормативная документация разработана рабочей группой на основании действующего федерального законодательства и утверждена ДЗМ. Как базовая методика оценки иммунологической состоятельности РП, определен титр вируснейтрализующих антител (ВНА). Проведено сопоставление основных характеристик доноров, особенностей течения заболевания, результатов предварительного тестирования на наличие специфических антител методами ИФА и ИХЛА с титрами ВНА заготовленной РП. Результаты. Работа по заготовке, обследованию, хранению, обеспечению безопасности и передаче в медицинские организации ДМЗ свежезамороженной патогенредуцированной плазмы доноров-реконвалесцентов COVID-19 была организована на основании приказа ДЗМ от 01.04.2020 № 325 как базового локального нормативного документа. Для оптимальной коммуникации с состоявшимися донорами и привлечения реконвалесцентов использовались ресурсы колл-центра. Для эффективного предварительного отбора доноров применялись анализ характеристик донора (плазма с наибольшими значениями титра ВНА ожидаема от доноров-мужчин, переболевших с признаками явной вирусной пневмонии) и результаты скрининга специфических антител методами ИФА и ИХЛА. Заключение. Разработана система обеспечения рекрутинга доноров и процесса заготовки РП для лечения СOVID-19, включающая необходимые нормативные документы, алгоритмы отбора и привлечения доноров, реестр доноров и реципиентов, алгоритмы обеспечения эффективности и безопасности РП.

PLoS One ; 16(1): e0246396, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1054891


Because of the constantly growing numbers of COVID-19 infections and deaths, attempts were undertaken to find drugs with anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity among ones already approved for other pathologies. In the framework of such attempts, in a number of in vitro, as well as in vivo, models it was shown that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has an effect against SARS-CoV-2. While there were not enough clinical data to support the use of HCQ, several countries including Russia have included HCQ in treatment protocols for infected patients and for prophylaxis. In the current non-randomized, observational study we evaluated the SARS-CoV-2 RNA in nasopharynx swabs from infected patients 7-10 days post symptoms with clinically mild disease and compared the viral RNA load dynamics between patients receiving HCQ (200 mg twice per day according to the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation treatment instructions, n = 33) and a control group without antiviral pharmacological therapy (n = 12). We found a statistically significant relationship between maximal RNA quantity and deterioration of patients' medical conditions, and as well we confirmed arterial hypertension to be a risk factor for people with COVID-19. However, we showed that at the dose used in the study HCQ therapy neither shortened the viral shedding period nor reduced the virus RNA load.

Tratamiento Farmacológico de COVID-19 , COVID-19/fisiopatología , Hidroxicloroquina/administración & dosificación , SARS-CoV-2/aislamiento & purificación , Carga Viral , COVID-19/epidemiología , COVID-19/virología , Humanos , Nasofaringe/virología , ARN Viral/análisis , ARN Viral/genética , Federación de Rusia/epidemiología , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad
medRxiv ; 2020 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-636705


With the progress of COVID-19 studies, it became evident that SARS-CoV-2 infection is often associated with thrombotic complications. The goal of our present study was to evaluate which component of clot formation process including endothelial function, platelets aggregation and plasma coagulation, as well as endogenous fibrinolysis in patients with COVID-19 correlates with the severity of the disease. We prospectively included 58 patients with COVID-19 and 47 healthy volunteers as a control group that we recruited before the pandemic started. It turns out that plasma coagulation with subsequent platelet aggregation, but not endothelial function, correlates with the severity of the COVID-19. IL-6 blockade may play a beneficial role in COVID-19 induced coagulopathy.